Tag Archives: minimalist design

Craft Clean and Sleek Graphics for a Minimalist Design in Pixlr

If you’ve been anywhere near the digital landscape lately (and let’s be real, who hasn’t?), you’ve probably noticed a certain trend making waves. Minimalism. Yup, it’s not just for those decluttering TV shows—it’s the hottest trend in design too. Think sleek lines, crisp colors, and the “less is more” mantra. And guess what? Today, we’re

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How to Create Minimalist Posters for Summer 2021

Whether you have noticed it or not, minimalism is the current dominating trend within the design world. What is it exactly and what has made minimalism become so popular?  Minimalism, at its core, is designing in the most basic form. Unnecessary texture, colors or pattern is usually excluded to give the design a sleek and

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