Announcing the Snap, Style & Share Photo Contest

Today we’re launching a contest that celebrates not just taking photos — but editing them, too. It’s a contest that’s perfect for students, but just about anyone between the ages of 13 and 24 can enter. We’ll be giving away some great prizes like an iPad, an iPad mini, and an Olloclip iPhone lens (among many others).
The contest is called Snap, Style & Share, and that’s about all you have to do to enter:

  • Snap a photo with your smartphone or camera.
  • Style it in Pixlr Express to improve and enhance it.
  • Share the before and after photos on the contest site — and anywhere and everywhere else that you think will give you a leg up on the competition.

Everyone will vote for their favorite photos, with a panel of judges choosing the ultimate winners from a big batch of popular finalists. We’ll be tracking (and showing off) some of the top photos here on the Pixlr blog in the coming weeks, as well as some of the more interesting ones that catch our eye.
Whether you’re a serious student of design, someone who loves exercising their creativity, or just someone with some great photos sitting on their phone from summer vacation, this is a fun and easy contest to enter. So, enter now!
And let us know what you make. Share your entries with the Pixlr community on FacebookTwitterTumblr, or even in our Pixlr on Flickrgroup. The more eyeballs on your entry, the better.