Pixlr Weekly Photo Challenge: #seenthru


Special shout outs to Pixlr users @mari4ju for her wine glass photo and @hieininety for the London Bridge photo.

Weekly photo challenges keep our eyes alert and our creative minds active. Each week, we give our community a starting point, and they almost always end up surprising us. Some challenges are more about editing, while some are more about taking photos. This one is more about taking photos, but we think you’ll find plenty of opportunity to use creative effects if you want to.
For this week’s #seenthru challenge, we want you to frame your photos in a very particular way — through other things. You can take a photo through a hole in a wall. You can distort images through glass. Or, as we did in one of these example photos, try capturing your city at sunset through a glass of white wine. Don’t have a glass of wine handy? A pair of sunglasses will do the trick. We’ve kept this idea very open so there will be a lot of room for interpretation in this theme. In a sense, this challenge is about seeing your photos through an extra lens — beyond the one on your camera. You can add lots of different filters to your photos using our apps, but this time we want you to think about creating your own kind of real-life filter. Maybe it’s just through a window. Or blinds. Or through another lens.
What will your extra filter be?  We can’t wait to see. Tag your images #seenthru on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, or Flickr. We’ll be on the lookout across our social feeds for these hashtags all week long. The reward? Pure glory. We’ll be featuring our favorites on our home page, on our Made with Pixlr feed, and to our Instagram followers. We always appreciate any extra info you can write in your post description so we can tell your story better on our feed, so include any relevant info about your or your photo if you can. Or just take a sweet photo that requires no explanation!