Author Archives: Pixlr

User Spotlight: ins_tar_gram

Tar has a cute doggy. Who writes in a journal and drinks coffee. This photo is by a fellow with the username ins_tar_gram on Instagram. Who can resist a cute dog like this? We started following Tar last month during our holiday photo contest and were amazed at how many lovely photos he posts. To give you an idea how good

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16 (+3) Graphic Design Tools Worth Checking Out

Best thing we saw today was Charlie Southwell’s blog post 16 Super Helpful Graphic Design Tools You Probably Didn’t Know Existed. We’re on the list. Booyah! But that’s not why we’re sharing it with you. We wanted to pass it along because it really does list some great tools that are worth digging into. Standouts include PlaceIt,

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User Spotlight: JeffC.42

We’re always (always!) on the lookout for photos edited with Pixlr apps across all platforms, but we have a special place in our heart for our Pixlr on Flickr group members. These people consistently share amazing work, and from time to time we like to toss a few questions their way to find out more about them.

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Pixlr Touch Up Version 1.5: Now with Fonts!

Our next-generation photo editor Pixlr Touch Up just got a big update. In addition to adding a few popular effects from Pixlr Express, there’s a handy new addition we know people will love: fonts. If you’ve not heard of Pixlr Touch Up or don’t know how it differs from our other apps, here’s the scoop:

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